Baptisms at Grace Fellowship Church




Water baptism is the next step after inviting Jesus Christ into your life. Baptism is an act of obedience to the Lord that publicly declares that you have died to an old life of sin and have been given a new life in Jesus Christ. (Luke 3:13-17; Acts 2:38-39; Luke 23:39-43). Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves a person (Ephesians 2:8-9).

At Grace Fellowship Church, profession of faith by baptism typically takes place by full immersion in water. However, on request, Grace Fellowship also offers other methods that have been used throughout church history: pouring (Acts 2:17-18) and sprinkling (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

For children in K-5th grade, we recommend they take Kids 101 with a parent prior to baptism. For children who are too young to consciously choose baptism, Grace Fellowship offers both Infant Baptism (by sprinkling) and Dedication. Both forms of dedication act as a prayer that each child will one day invite Jesus Christ into his or her life.

Cinco Campus Registration:

Immersion Baptism    Baby Dedication/Baptism

North Katy Campus Registration:

Immersion Baptism    Baby Dedication/Baptism

Baby Dedication | Infant Baptism

If registering more than one child, please specify which child when listing date of birth, call name, gender, godparents, etc.

For information on baptism for adults and children old enough to make the conscious decision to participate, please complete the Immersion Baptism form found here.

Click here to learn more about Baby Dedications and Infant Baptisms


Bautismo en la Iglesia Grace Fellowship

El bautismo en agua es el siguiente paso después de invitar a Cristo en su vida. El bautismo es un acto de obediencia al Señor que declara públicamente que has muerto a una vieja vida de pecado y ahora tienes una nueva vida en Jesucristo. (Lucas 3:13-17, Hechos 2:38-39, Lucas 23:39-43). La fe en Jesucristo es lo que salva a una persona (Efesios 2:8-9).

En la iglesia Grace Fellowship, profesión de fe por medio del bautismo típicamente se lleva a cabo por inmersión total en el agua. Sin embargo, a petición, también ofrecemos otros métodos que se han utilizado a lo largo de la historia de la iglesia: vertiendo (Hechos 2:17-18) y rociando (Ezequiel 36:25-27).

Bautismo    Dedicación/Bautismo de Bebés