Alpha is an engaging series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and the meaning of life.
Tuesdays, January 28 - April 22
6:30pm in the Vista (Ministry Center, 2nd Floor)
Registration is now closed. Check back soon for information on our next session!
Youth Alpha
Mondays, January 27 - March 31
6:30pm in the Student Attic (Student Building, 2nd Floor)
Registration is now closed. Check back soon for information on our next session!
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship (EHD) includes three courses that help you deepen your relationship with God and your relationships with others.
Emotionally Healthy Relationships: Discipleship that deeply changes your relationship with others.
Emotionally Healthy Woman: Eight things you have to quit to change your life
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Directly addresses the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable.
Spring 2025
Registration now closed. Check back soon for more info on our next session!
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
When: Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Dates: January 15 - April 9
Location: Ministry Building, Room M203
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Women's Group)
When: Sundays at 8:45am
Dates: January 19 - March 30
Location: Ministry Building, Room M203
Emotionally Healthy Woman
When: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Dates: January 15 - April 9
Location: Elementary Bldg Room 219 (2nd floor)
Bridge Conversations
A multi-ethnic book study:
“Talking About Race” - Gospel Hope for Hard Conversations by Isaac Adams
Isaac is a husband, father, author and the founder of U?WP- United We Pray podcast. He is the lead pastor of Iron City Church in Birmingham, AL.
“With gentleness, wisdom and pastoral care, Adams will make you think more deeply about your own personal convictions, stereotypes, and biases that typically go unchained or unspoken.” Laura Wifler
Our next session will be Fall 2025. Check back for more info!
True and Good - Worldview Class
Grace Fellowship’s mission is to make disciples who make disciples. We are passionate about pursuing our God-given mission because when disciplers are made, lives are changed!
We have added a brand new course called True and Good: Living the Biblical Worldview to our Spiritual Formations offering.
Find out more here.
For Me to Live is Christ
For Me to Live is Christ
Rather than “trying to live the Christian life,” which still centers on our own efforts, as Christians we need to allow Christ to live His life in us. This spiritual growth study explores the triune makeup of man as spirit, soul, and body, as well as our spiritual psychological and physical makeup.
Sundays, January 26 - March 23
3:00 - 5:00pm in M203 (Ministry Center, 2nd floor)
Registration is now closed. Check back soon for more info!
Small Groups
Click our Small Group Booklet below to look through all of our open groups.
Questions about groups? Email Grace Groups
Young Adults
Young Adults Thursday Night Service
Let’s get together for community, worship, and the Word!
When: Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Vista (2nd Floor, Ministry Center)
Click below to see a list of our open groups for Singles.
Click below to fill out our Singles interest form.
The Grace Fellowship Institute exists to form disciples within the context of the local church. We believe discipleship and Bible literacy go hand in hand.
Check back periodically for info on upcoming events!
ibloom is a group of moms with children of all ages! We meet weekly to share Christ-centered friendship, teaching, live speakers, and video curriculum during large group time. Our seasoned mentor moms lead our small group discussions on parenting, single-parenting, marriage and spiritual growth.
Mondays 9:30-11:30am in the Vista (Second floor, Ministry Center)
January 13 - April 14
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm at Cocohodo (On Mason Road)
January 14 - April 15
Registration for the semester is now closed. Check back soon for information on our next session!
Women's Bible Study
Join us this spring as we study Fallproof - Faith that will not Fail (a study of 2 Peter 1:5-11).
Women's Bible Study is based on the belief that when we engage with God’s Word, it deepens our relationship with Him and transforms us.
Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30am OR 6:30-8:30pm in the Student Ministry Building.
January 28 - April 22
Childcare available with registration
Bible study cost $25 - for Spring semester.
Register Here - AM
Register Here - PM
Woman to Woman Mentoring
Woman to Woman Mentoring gives the women of Grace Fellowship Church the opportunity to experience a powerful relationship between two women as they influence one another to seek God wholeheartedly and fully grow up in Him.
If you are interested in becoming a MENTOR, please reach out to us for more information via the "Contact Us" link below. We would love to provide all the information you need to decide if this is the place for you!
Unfortunately we are currently unable to accept any more Mentee applications for this season; please check back in the Summer of 2025
The Emotionally Healthy Woman
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Women's Group)
When: Sundays at 8:45am
Dates: January 19 - March 30
Location: Ministry Building, Room M203
Emotionally Healthy Woman
When: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Dates: January 15 - April 9
Location: Elementary Bldg Room 219 (2nd floor)
Registration is now closed. Check back soon for information on our next session!
Small Groups
Click below to see a list of open small groups for women.
Questions about groups? Email Grace Groups
Check back periodically for info on upcoming women’s events!
Small Groups
Browse Our Open Small Groups
Click our Small Group Booklet below to browse all of our open groups.
Questions about groups? Email Grace Groups
What is a Small Group?
What is a Small Group?
Small Groups are groups of eight to twelve adults who meet mainly in homes or some in coffee shops or online.
Groups commit to share life and faith together. A great group includes time for both relational connection and studies that challenge members to grow spiritually. A typical group meeting will consist of social time, study, and prayer.
Why should I be in a Small Group
1. Understand the Bible better through group discussions as you apply the Bible to your life situations.
2. Develop close relationships with others who will walk beside you as you take your next step as a Christ follower.
3. Find answers to the needs in your life through group prayer.
4. Get support in times of crisis or major changes from people who really care for you.
5. Discover and use your gifts and talents as you serve others.
When do Small Groups meet?
When do Small Groups meet?
Groups typically meet 3 - 4 times per month, for 1.5 to 2 hours.
How do I join a Small Group?
How do I join a Small Group?
Browse through our list of open Small Groups and contact the Small Group Leader for more information.
Come to our GroupLink event twice a year, in January and September.
Register for GroupLink prior to GroupLink events when registration opens.
Or, contact our Small Group staff at
Is Childcare Provided During Small Group Meetings?
Childcare varies from group to group.
If needed, Grace Fellowship provides a childcare Subsidy (at a predetermined rate) for childcare expenses incurred to attend regular group meetings.
Interest in being a Small Group Leader?
Group leaders create a place for people to talk about life and grow their faith.
You don’t have to be perfect to lead a group. And you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to be used by God to lead others. Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They get front-row seats to the faith journeys of others and find that their faith grows along the way.
Every leader has director on staff to guide them and provide a plan for their group. You won’t have to figure out by yourself how to lead or what to study.
New Leader Onboarding - You’ll be equipped to lead great group meetings and launch your group well.
Curriculum Plans - We'll provide you with a plan for what your group will study for the semester.
Development Opportunities - You’ll be provided with ongoing trainings to help you continue to grow as a leader.
Tell us about yourself by completing the Small Group Leader Interest Form . You will hear from us soon.
Sermon Resource Guides
Click here to see additional Small Group study notes for the current Sermon Series.
Men's Bible Study
Join us this spring as we study Fallproof - Faith that will not Fail (a study of 2 Peter 1:5-11).
Tuesdays from January 28 - April 22
Morning: 6:00 – 7:30am Coffee & light breakfast provided
Evening: 7:00 – 8:30pm Snacks provided
COST: $25 for Spring Semester
Meeting in the Student Ministry Building Worship Center
Men's Mentoring
Mentoring is a one-year intentional small group disciple-making process (1 disciple-maker with 2 men) designed to equip men to become all-in followers of Jesus. Our goal is to develop leaders who can influence and disciple others. The game plan includes participating in Men's Bible Study on Tuesdays at either 6:00am or 6:30pm, small group time outside of Men's Bible Study, and personal time with your mentor. Register for Men's Bible Study above and complete the interest form below.
Small Groups
Click below to see a list of open small groups for men.
Questions about groups? Email Grace Groups
Check back periodically for info on upcoming men’s events!
Our gift to you:
The world’s largest video-streaming library of Biblical resources.