Missions at Grace Fellowship

The Missions Ministry seeks to glorify God in our local community and to the ends of the earth by praying, training and equipping, and mobilizing our resources to spread God’s word and share the love of Jesus, meeting both spiritual and physical needs, both locally and abroad.  We also use every opportunity to raise the prayer temperature for our adopted unreached people groups (UPGs) so that Jesus will receive the worship He deserves from all peoples and nations!  

Please come join us … take a look at the upcoming opportunities below. 


Download Missions Brochure

If you have questions regarding any of our plans and programs, please email us at MissionsMinistry@WhatIsGrace.org

Grace Fellowship mission trips mobilize worshippers of Jesus in every place we serve by...

  • Meeting Spiritual Needs (share the Gospel)
  • Meeting Physical Needs (help without hurting)
  • Raising Prayer for our adopted UPGs



Interested? Contact Mike at ChurchInAction@WhatIsGrace.org

Local Missions 
If you have a heart for the lost and forgotten in our community, we have a place for you! We have a large network of faith-based partners in our local community who provide opportunities for us to connect and serve for God's glory. Local Missions coordinates efforts such as:
Global Missions
Azeri woman dancing around fire
Grace Fellowship has adopted six Unreached People Groups (UPGs), with a lifetime church goal of ten! We believe that the most effective way to fulfill our adoption commitment is to "raise the prayer temperature" for these precious people. 

Getting Involved:

1) Pray for our UPGs using the prayer resources available at the Great Southwest Prayer Center and sign up to receive prayer prompts via text.



2) Join the First Sunday UPG Prayer Group, meeting 12:30pm every month, in the Prayer Center. The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Come pray to the Lord of the Harvest believing in the great, mighty, miraculous things He’ll do among our UPGs. This group is family friendly.


3) Join the International Audience of One Prayer Group Meeting every Thursday from 7-8 pm in The Great Southwest Prayer Center for worship and prayer in multiple languages for the nations and our adopted UPGs.  All are welcome to come and go as your schedule permits. You are also welcome to join the prayer team to offer a prayer or song in your native language.  No registration is needed.  


Questions? Contact Son at STo@WhatIsGrace.org


Missions Mobilization

spiritual multiplication


Grow your passion for God and learn tools to share confidently with someone from any background in any situation. Don’t limit yourself with “I’m uncomfortable, I’m not an evangelist, I don’t know enough.” We will work through all of these barriers and fears, and you will be equipped to share the Good News! Come join us and let’s make disciples! Find out more about:

• Multiply Group

• Discovery Bible Study

• FriendSpeak

• PathWays

• Perspectives

• Missional training classes and events


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