North Katy Campus
19407 Park Row, Suite 180, Houston, TX 77084
(281) 646-1903
Servicio en Español Adoración Contemporánea
Celebrado en el Campus Norte de Katy
English Contemporary Worship
Held at North Katy Campus
About North Katy Campus
Grace Fellowship North Katy Campus is the second campus of Grace Fellowship Church. Grace Fellowship Church's vision and longing have always been to be "a House of Prayer for all nations." Our heart beats and breaks for the nations, those in other countries, and those surrounding us. God wants to be known, and He calls us to go and make disciples. He has planted a deep desire and calling on Grace Fellowship Church to pursue the North Katy area, primarily a heavily populated Hispanic community. Grace Fellowship Church is excited to serve this multicultural community, providing them with continual access to our new satellite campus, Grace Fellowship North Katy Campus.
Grace Fellowship North Katy Campus formally launched on January 5, 2014! We are meeting at 19407 Park Row, Houston, TX. This multicultural, bilingual campus reaches those who speak English and Spanish, which is common in this area. Grace Fellowship North carries all of the Grace Fellowship DNA in this new geographic area. Pastor Jeff Dietz is the campus pastor and lead teacher. However, many programs will be shared between the two campuses.
Nuestra Iglesia
Grace Fellowship Campus de North Katy es la segunda localidad de Grace Fellowship. La visión y el deseo de Grace Fellowship siempre ha sido ser “una casa de oración para todas las naciones.” Nuestro corazón palpita por las naciones, para todos aquellos que viven en otros países, pero también por nuestros vecinos y los que viven alrededor de nosotros. Dios ha puesto un deseo muy íntimo dentro de Grace Fellowship para los que viven en el norte de Katy. Dios quiere ser conocido y nosotros hemos sido llamados por Dios a ir y hacer discípulos a todas las naciones.
¡Grace Fellowship Campus de North Katy empezo a tener cultos de adoración el 5 de Enero de 2014! Esta reuniéndonos en 19407 Park Row, Houston, TX. Esta localidad es bilingüe para alcanzar no solo al que habla inglés pero también al que habla español. Campus de North Katy esta compuesta con toda la personalidad y visión de la localidad original. Jeff es el pastor de Campus de North Katy y el predica un culto en inglés y otro en español.
Como Conectarse
Serve – Como Servir
Servir es uno de los mejores maneras de involucrarse en Grace Fellowship. Tenemos opportunidades desde Administración que nos ayuda a funcionar, a misiones multiculturales que le cambiarán su vida.
Care at Grace – Ministerio de Cuidado
El ministerio de cuidado es un lugar seguro donde no tienes que estar bien. Nosotros sabemos que todos tenemos momentos de crisis de vez en cuando que nos traen de vuelta a la iglesia. Si te encuentras en un momento de dificultad queremos ayudar. Contactanos durante horas de offician en 281-646-1903.
Community Groups – Grupos de Comunidad
Grace es una iglesia de grupos pequeños comunitarios. Grupos comunitarios son el lugar principal donde crecemos relacionalmente y espiritualmente a traves de compartir, estudiar y orar juntos. Nuestros grupos comunitarios generalmente tienen 12-16 personas que se juntan en casa o en un restaurante. Tenemos varios grupos disponibles y creemos que tu puedes encontrar familia aqui. Para mas información mandale un email a Kyle Welsh en
Safe Sanctuary – Santuario Seguro
Si estas interesado en servir con nuestro ministerio de niños o jóvenes les pedimos que cumplen con el proseso del Santuario seguro. Es muy rapido. hagan "click" sobre el boton arriba, ven un video corto, lean la material y llenen la aplicación. Esto assegirara que nuestros niños y jóvenes estaran seguros cuando vienen a nuestra iglesia.
Come Comfortable
Our Sunday morning worship services are for you! Come dressed in what is most comfortable for you (appropriate for the public, of course).
Ven vestido cómodamente
¡Nuestros servicios de adoración los domingos por la mañana son para usted! Ven vestido con lo que te resulte más cómodo (apropiado para el público, claro).
Student Ministry at North Katy Campus
Students at the North Katy Campus are a church of nations that pray for the nations. We gather together, eat, play, worship the King, pray hard, dive deep into the word, and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus. Relationship is key, We love each other like family, so expect to feel like it! At North Katy Campus our students are involved in not only student ministry, but Children's, Worship, Missions, and Hospitality, as well as serving outside of these walls on mission trips and community service projects. We are in awe of what God is doing!
Wednesday Nights and Small Groups
Junior High and High School meet every Wednesday night at 6PM at the North Katy Campus. We would love to meet you and welcome you into the North family! Students are relational and long for the opportunity to be with each other. We want to facilitate that, so most Wednesdays we gather up in small groups to unpack what God is doing through his word and in our lives.
Events & Trips
We want to experience God in fun and exciting ways, in order to do so we do multiple events yearly to give our students an opportunity to get away and see God in different environments.
- DNOW - A unique weekend event for students to immerse themselves in the word and worship. This event takes place every January over MLK weekend.
- Summer Camp - a week-long camp built by North Katy Campus to cater specifically to the needs of our students.
Student Worship
Our worship on Wednesday Nights is student lead! if you are interested in being a part, let Kyle know! We’re always looking for students who know how to play an instrument or sing and long to use their talents for the kingdom!
From welcoming students, to running the soundboards during worship, serving as a small group leader, or just being available for students, there is a place for everyone to serve! As a body, we have an opportunity to launch more and more Christ-followers into the next generation by surrounding them with Christian adults who care. All Student Ministry volunteers are Safe Sanctuary trained and must pass a thorough background check to protect our children and our volunteers.
Worship with us! | ¡Adore con nosotros!